The Agitator – (George Grosz) Trước Kế tiếp

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Phong cách: Dadaism

chủ đề: Symbols

ngày: 1928

kích thước: 108 x 81 cm

Kỹ thuật: Oil On Canvas

The Agitator is representing Adolph Hitler. The castle in the top left hand corner represents the old Imperial Germany and the drum is for marches. The "big boot" means he will crush any opposing threats to him. The turkey represents good times ahead, but the gravy and wine are blood red meaning that blood will be shed to reach those good times. On Hitlers coat half is stained with blood. he has a military badge and a Imperial German flag shaped like a Heart, this replaces his own. The many people watching all seem to be bald (JEWS) and in the middle is a Generals Hat (militarism).

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